Muse of Art  
Muse of Art Vol 1 1
Paperback book cover
Author(s) Piers Anthony
Country United States
Language English language
Series Geodyssey
Genre(s) Fantasy
Publisher Tor Books
Publication date April 15, 2001
Media type Print (Hardcover)
Pages 640
ISBN 978-0812574715
Preceded by Hope of Earth
Followed by Climate Change

A towering testament of ambition and desire, hope and despair, Piers Anthony's epic Geodyssey saga is nothing less than the story of humanity itself. As seen through the eyes of a handful of courageous, passionate men and women reborn again and again in some of the most turbulent ages of history. Muse of Art is the newest chapter in this astonishing chronicle, probing the heart of our deepest fears and highest aspirations, illuminating the spark that makes us what we are.

It is the arts that truly define humanity and set us apart from all other species on earth. In a rousing, passionate story that ranges from the mists of prehistory to a terrifyingly plausible near future, Muse of Art explores the special talents that have inspired and motivated us since the earliest days of our existence: curiosity and creativity, seduction and survival, destruction and healing.

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Geodyssey series by Piers Anthony
Isle of WomanShame of ManHope of EarthMuse of ArtClimate of Change