Orc's Opal  
Orc's Opal Vol 1 1
Paperback book cover
Author(s) Piers Anthony
Country United States
Language English language
Series The Adventures of Kelvin of Rud
Genre(s) Fantasy
Publisher Tor Books
Publication date March 6, 1990
Media type PRint (Hardcover and Paperback
Pages 316
ISBN 978-0812511772
Preceded by Chimaera's Copper
Followed by Mouvar's Magic

In Orc's Opal, the multiframed realities inhabited by Kelvin are threatened by the menace of the evil witch Zady. The Prophecy of Mouvar is running its course in the many frames of reality inhabited by Kelvin Knight Hackleberry and his family. The two Kingdoms joined to form Kelvinia have now been united with three others, to make a great confederation under the rule of the young twin kings, Kildom and Kildee. And Kelvin has earned some time to rest with his family—Heln and their children Charles and Merlain ... and the one other.

But Kelvin's enemies are not all dead. One at least lives to seek vengeance for the deaths of Zoanna and Rufurt. The evil witch Zady, who raised Zoanna and taught her everything, has sworn not to rest until Kelvin has suffered as she suffered: Zady has sworn that Kelvin will pay with the lives of his children.

Charles and Merlain, and their dragon brother, are now very precocious six-year-olds who idolize their father. How difficult will it be, Zady wonders, to lure them into a quest of their own, a quest that will draw the Confederation into a war it cannot win, and bring death and ruin down on all Kelvin holds dear?
